Outfitters in Alberta, Canada

Alberta Things To Do and Attractions Guide

Canada Outfitters

Alberta, Canada outfitters are guiding companies and wilderness guides who specialize in the sport of big game hunting, fishing and, even trapline tours.

alberta outfitters

Selecting An Alberta Outfitter

Alberta outfitters must be licensed and experienced in the rules and regulations of their sport. Guides provide day trips and some operate outfitter camps or wilderness lodges for multi day adventures. The larger operations provide, not only the accommodations, but may also provide the equipment, meals, transportation and clothing for a safe and enjoyable experience in the backcountry. Transportation to and from remote camps and lodges may be in the form of a floatplane, charter plane, boat, or by traveling backcountry gravel roads.  

Alberta Outfitter Species

Alberta outfitters vary. The species approved for hunting, the season and safety all play a part in how and when an outfitter is an outfitter. Outfitters can only hunt and fish certain species at a certain time of year. Some specialize in one aspect of the sport while others provide many variations of the sport. Outfitters may focus on hunting waterfowl, antelope, black bear, bighorn sheep, cougar, moose while others may want to concentrate on lake and river fishing.

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