Yukon Territories, YT Birding Trails
YT Birdwatching Tours and Guides
Canada Guide For Birdwatching
Birding in the Yukon Territories region of Canada. Plan your birdwatching attraction today on Canada's largest booking, planning and interactive adventure and activity website.
Excited to be birding in the Yukon Territories, Canada!
What You Should Know About Birding In The Yukon Territories Canada
There are many birdwatching destinations located throughout the Yukon Territories, Canada. There are birding lakes and rivers developed with hiking trails, information signs, identification charts, birding centres, viewpoints, bird blinds, and viewing decks. There are opportunities for bird sightings while traveling along some of the more remote highways and roads in the Yukon.
The Yukon welcomes hundreds of bird species every year to the region because the territory is located on a popular birding migration route. For example, in the spring months, the region is visited by some of the largest groups of migrating swans. A high number of them decide on staying on Marsh Lake near Tagish, Yukon for rest and food.
The Dempster Highway is a birding sightseeing tour exploring boreal forest, arctic tundra and delta lowlands. Three very diverse eco regions providing a good cross section of possible bird sightings. A good route for sighting predator birds including the gyrfalcon, peregrine falcon and golden eagle.
The Kluane National Park is a massive wilderness park with birdwatching opportunities. There are lakes, rivers and hiking trails in the park. Throughout the park are said to be over 180 different types of birds nesting and feeding.
The Robert Campbell Highway is another sightseeing highway route great for birding and wildlife watching. Along the route are rivers and lakes leading to the communities of Faro and Ross River. In the Faro area is the Nisutlin River Delta. It is an important feeding ground for local and migratory birds like ducks, geese, eagles, falcons, hawks, swans, owls and hundreds more.
Near the community of Whitehorse there are some kettle lakes, called the Hidden Lakes, which are formed from glacial retreat. These lakes are surrounded by marsh-like shores and boreal forest. A detailed pathway leads you along ridges to the kettle lakes and possible birdwatching opportunities.
Some of the birds to look for in the Yukon Territories include the Trumpeter Swan, Northern Shoveler, Bald Eagle, Great Gray Owl, Yellow Rumped Warbler, Bufflehead, Northern Hawk Owl, Dark-eyed Junco, Surf Scooter, Northern Goshawk, Great Horned Owl, Boreal Owl, Horned Lark , Rufous Hummingbird and many others.
Featured Yukon Territories, YT, Canada Birding Adventures
For a complete list of featured birding tour operators please visit the "Attraction" section in the community you plan on exploring. For top birding destinations visit the "Parks, Trails and Places" section in each community.