100 Mile House, BC, Canada
Cariboo-Chilcotin-Coast, BC, Canada Travel & Adventure Guide
In the heart of the Interlakes Region
100 Mile House, British Columbia, Canada is located in the heart of the Interlakes Region. It is a region of rolling hills and grasslands dissected by lakes, rivers, and creeks numbering in the hundreds. 100 Mile House is the main community servicing the region of small villages including Lone Butte, Lac La Hache, 108 Mile Ranch, 70 Mile House, Buffalo Creek and Forest Grove.
Activities, Adventures, Things To Do in 100 Mile House, BC
Activities most enjoyed in 100 Mile House and the surrounding areas include golfing, hiking, fishing, canoeing, kayaking, cycling, birdwatching, water skiing, backpacking, mountain biking, windsurfing, boating, dirt biking, off roading, ATVing, camping, snowmobiling, ice fishing, cross country skiing and snowshoeing.
Parks, Trails, & Places to Explore in 100 Mile House, BC
A few of the more popular activity and sightseeing park, lake and trail destinations located in and around 100 Mile House, British Columbia include the Canim-Mahood Waterfall Trail, Centennial Park, Bridge Creek Trail, Deception Falls Trail, Begbie Lookout, Moose Valley Park Canoe Route, Wells Gray Provincial Park, Lac La Hache Provincial Park and the Hathaway Lake, Cougar Lake, Valentine Lake, Fawn Lake, and Howard Lake.
100 Mile House, British Columbia, Attractions, Art, Historical Sites, & Culture
The most visited sightseeing attractions, art galleries, historical sites and cultural venues in and around 100 Mile House, British Columbia include the 108 Mile Ranch Heritage Site, Martin Exeter Hall, Community Murals, 83 Mile House Farm Equipment Museum and Historic Site, and the historic Cariboo Wagon Road.
Accommodations, Services and Transportation in 100 Mile House, British Columbia, Canada
Travel services important to travelers in and around the community of 100 Mile House, BC includes accommodations (hotels, motels, inns, vacation homes, cottages, bed and breakfast), tours, guides, campgrounds, pubs, restaurants, gas stations, gift stores, liquor stores, grocery stores, coffee shops, cell service, internet, banks and transportation services including taxi.