Innisfail, Alberta, Canada
Alberta Travel & Adventure Guide
East of Gleniffer Lake
Innisfail, AB, Canada is located south of the Red Deer River and east of Gleniffer Lake in the Central Alberta region of Canada. Agri tourism plats a large part here with farmers markets and vendors producing jams, leather goods, syrups, ciders, jellies, ice cream and more.
Activities, Adventures, Things To Do in Innisfail, Alberta
Activities most enjoyed in Innisfail, Canada and the surrounding areas includes golfing, fishing, swimming, sky diving, boating, camping, water skiing, jet boating, biking, wind surfing, river tubing, biking, birdwatching, hiking and xc skiing.
Parks, Trails, & Places to Explore in Innisfail, Canada
A few of the more popular activity and sightseeing destinations located in and around Innisfail, Alberta includes Glennifer Lake, Discovery Wildlife Park, Centennial Park, Off Leash Dog Park and Dodds Lake.
Innisfail Natural Attractions, Art, Historical Sites, & Culture
The most visited natural sightseeing attractions, historical sites and cultural venues in and around Innisfail includes the Danish Canadian National Museum & Gardens, Dickson Dam, Innisfail Historical Village, Dr. George / Kemp House Museum, Stephansson House, RCMP Dog Training Facility, and the Double Tree Village Museum.
Accommodations, Services and Transportation in Innisfail, Alberta
Travel services important to travelers in and around the community of Innisfail includes accommodations (motels, bed and breakfasts, vacation homes, cottages), campgrounds, guides, restaurants, coffee shop, grocery store, pubs, liquor store, bank, gas stations, gift stores, art galleries, cell service, internet and transportation services including taxi and the Innisfail Aerodrome.