Places to Stay in Yellowknife, NWT

Northwest Territories Accommodations Guide

Top Canada Accommodations & Campgrounds

Yellowknife, NWT, Canada places to stay including resorts, hotels, motels, bed and breakfasts (BnB), cottages, cabins, inns, vacation homes, resorts, and campgrounds. Plan your top places to stay and then book your Northwest Territories vacation accommodation on Canada's largest booking, planning and interactive travel and adventure website.

Wishing you the Best from Yellowknife, NWT!

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Top Tip for Yellowknife, NWT Accommodations

Best pricing and services often comes with dealing directly with Yellowknife, Northwest Territories accommodations and/or campgrounds. Top tip for travelers... when you contact places to stay in Yellowknife on this website there are no hidden fees, commissions or third party costs added to the price of your accommodation. Our FAIR PRICE GUARANTEE frees up more of your hard earned dollars to stay an extra day or two in Yellowknife, enjoy more adventures, visit more attractions and shop with more community businesses.

If you require some assistance on places to stay we have a live Tourism Ambassador online to assist you in booking and planning your Yellowknife NWT vacation. Click the Chat Button on our website or click here for travel assistance.

Places to stay - Yellowknife, NWT, Canada

1421-1470 Gitzel St
X1A 2C9
1 867-445-1993
© 2025 Eh Canada Marketing Group