Flatbed Pools Trail

Trail Length: 4 kilometres
Difficulty: Easy - Family
Park Amenities:

Flatbed Pools Trail in Tumbler Ridge, British Columbia, Canada is a 2 kilometre one-way path (4 kilometres return trip) leading to a series of river pools and dinosaur tracks. The hike follows a pine needle cushioned trail along a ridge, into a forest and out to three pools - The Cabin, Overehanging Rock and Top Pools.
The trail begins from the same parking lot as the Flatbed Falls Hiking Trail. From the trailhead the path enters the forest and soon climbs up to a ridge. The route continues along the ridge known as the Razorback. Very cool section of the hike, as it drops down on both sides plus provides some great views of the valley.
The trail soon enters the forest again. A forest of Lodgepole Pine, Trembling Aspen and White Spruce trees. Continue along the trail keeping an eye out on your left for a dilapidated cabin. A cabin referred to as the Nominister Abbey that was once used as a hideout for a bad guy in the early history of the town .
Continue pass the cabin to a junction of directional signs at about the 1 kilometre mark. From here take the trail heading right to the Cabin Pool and dinosaur tracks. Take a left to the Overhanging Rock and Top Pools.
Cabin Pool is the closest pool from the trailhead. It is also the location of the dinosaur footprints discovered in the rocks by the locals. There is reportedly 170 dino tracks from 5 different species located in the area. Near the picnic tables is a set of tracks and downstream across the creek is where the first tracks were discovered. Here is an opportunity to imagine yourself following the same routes once traveled by the Ankylosaurs, Ornithopods and Theropods.
Back track from the Cabin Pools back to the junction and go left this time. About 1/2 a kilometre after the first trail junction another trail junction. Hikers need to take a right at this junction so to connect with the small loop trail that leads to both the Overhanging Rock and Top Pools. If hikers continue left at the junction they will continue down Kevin's Trail ending up near the rifle range.
The Overhanging Rock and Top Pools are more popular for picnics, birdwatching and swimming. There is plenty of opportunities to view bird wildlife on this hike. The Barrow's Goldeneye, Canada Goose, Yellow Warbler, Lesser Yellowleg, Mallard Duck, Barred Owl and Yellow-bellied Sapsucker have all been spotted on this hike. This is also bear and moose country so be aware and be prepared.
Explore Flatbed Pools Trail in Tumbler Ridge, British Columbia, Canada