Saskatoon Natural Grasslands



Park Size: 13.8 hectares

Difficulty: Easy - Family
Park Amenities:
Interpretive Centre
Interpretive Signs
Wildlife Watching

The Saskatoon Natural Grasslands or the SNG covers 13.8 hectares (34 acres) of native Saskatchewan prairie grasslands. One of the few natural grasslands left in Canada. The grasslands area is located on the banks of the South Saskatchewan River northeast of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. 

The grassland region is a live eco system filled with fescue grass, plants, birds and wildlife of all kinds dating back 10,000 years. Some of the more common plants include the Aster, Brown-eyed Susan, Silverleaf Psoralea, Blazing Star, Flodman's Thistle. 

For birders the Saskatoon Natural Grasslands attract many bird species to the region. Some of the sightings include Red-winged Blackbirds, Swainson's Hawks, Red-eyed Vireos, Ruby-throated Hummingbirds, Western Meadowlarks, Pelicans, and Yellow-rumped warblers.

Some of the animals sighted in the grasslands park make for good photography and sightseeing as well. However, many only come out at dark or in the early morning sunrise. Watch closely and walk softly and you may see deer, coyote, fox, weasel, racoon, skunk, badger, beaver, and porcupine.

Saskatoon Natural Grasslands is home to the Prairie Nature Centre. There are many associations who take part in the preservation of the grasslands. The protective messages make the region ideal for education, recreational activities and research. Various organizations provide educational tours. 

The main entrance to the trails is located in the southeast corner of the grasslands. At the entrance the trail continues north along the eastern border of the grasslands and connects to the Silverspring Linear Park or one can veer left and explore an interpretive loop trail which explores the entire grasslands. The loop trails connects to meeting areas, a beaver dam, and views of a fossil rock. Trails are mostly for walking and sightseeing. 

Photographers will also enjoy the many butterfly, birds and small mammals which call the grasslands home. There have been over 23 butterfly species sighted on the property. It is important to stay on the trails to protect the ecological sensitivity of the land. 

Saskatoon Natural Grasslands, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan , Canada


Saskatoon Natural Grasslands
Konihowski Road

How To Get ToSaskatoon Natural Grasslands

Located on Konihowski Road, 8 kilometres northeast of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Travel Hwy 16 and take the exit to Attridge Drive and travel east. Take a left onto Central Ave. Take a right onto Somers Rd and then a left onto Konihowski Road.
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