Shaunavon, Cypress Hills Destination Area, SK, Canada

Saskatchewan Travel & Adventure Travel Guide


Shaunavon, Cypress Hills Destination Area, Saskatchewan, Canada is located in the southwest corner of the province. Over the years the community has boasted a number of nicknames, but the one that has stuck is Boomtown, due to its rapid growth upon settlement going from a village to a town in under a year. The only town in Canada on record to do so.

cypress hills destination area saskatchewan shanauvon

Attractions, Adventures, Things To Do in Shaunavon, Cypress Hills Destination Area, SK

Activities and attractions most enjoyed in and around Shaunavon, Cypress Hills Destination Area and the surrounding areas includes golfing, horseback riding, swimming, bowling, sightseeing, hiking, picnicking and art touring,

Parks, Trails, & Places to Explore in Shaunavon, Cypress Hills Destination Area, Canada

A few of the more popular activity and sightseeing destinations located in and around Shaunavon, Cypress Hills Destination Area, Saskatchewan includes Lac Pelletier, Grasslands National Park, Memorial Park, Sunnynook Park, Pine Cree Regional Park and the Great Sand Hills.

Shaunavon, Cypress Hills Destination Area Accommodations, Services and Transportation

Travel services and amenities important to travelers in and around Shaunavon, Cypress Hills Destination Area, Saskatchewan includes accommodations (cabins, cottages, bed and breakfasts, hotel, motel, guest ranches), campgrounds, gift stores, gas station, retail shops, restaurants, general store, and art galleries.

Shaunavon, Cypress Hills Destination Area Natural Attractions, Art, Historical Sites, & Culture

The most visited natural sightseeing attractions, historical sites and cultural venues in and around Shaunavon, Cypress Hills Destination Area, Saskatchewan includes the T-Rex Discovery Centre,  Grand Coteau Heritage & Cultural Centre, Shaunavon Airport, and art studios.

Come explore Shaunavon, Saskatchewan, Canada

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