Cataraqui Trail

Trail Length: 104km
Difficulty: Easy - Family
Park Amenities:

The Cataraqui trail runs between Smiths Falls and Strathacona, Ontario, following a section of abandoned CN railway.The trail passes through several types of landscape and is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna.
The section of the trail from Smiths Falls to Chaffey’s lock is largely farmland and forest; Chaffey’s lock to Eel Bay made up of forests, lakes, swamps, and rocky outcrops; and the Eel Bay to Strathcona section crossing mostly agricultural land.
The abundance and variety of wildlife will largely depend on the section of trail you choose to traverse, with much of the trail being bordered by native plants, providing a wonderful habitat for many small mammals, birds, and insects. Forested areas - flush with fruit trees, berries, and other plants - are home to an even larger number of animals. In swampy areas, you may come across turtles along the trail banks. Some rare species are also present, including the endangered black rat snake.
The entire trail is relatively flat, making it ideal for a wide range of uses. In the summer, wilking, biking, and running are excellent choices, with the trail also being flat and well-maintained enough for stroller use. Over winter, the trail sees use by cross-country skiers, snow-shoers, and snowmobilers with a current Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs trail permit.
Overall, the Cataraqui trail is a beautiful place to get out in nature for some fitness, fun, or wildlife spotting!