Major’s Point Historic Site

Park Amenities:

Major’s Point Historic Site
Yarmouth, Nova Scotia Adventure Guide
Canada Parks, Trails and Places
Major’s Point Historic Site commemorates the arrival of the Acadians in 1755. The threat of deportation in Port Royal led to Pierre "Piau" Belliveau leaving by boat and arriving at this site with 120 other Acadians. In 1756, they left the site in fear of being discovered. 12 years later Josesph Dugas and his family arrived in the region and settled his family. This cemetery served the population until 1790.
What are the Top Things To Do, Activities, and Adventures enjoyed at the Major’s Point Historic Site?
Major’s Point Historic Site adventures, and activities most enjoyed includes sightseeing, beachcombing, and picnicking.
Why Major’s Point Historic Site in Yarmouth, NS?
Because it is an important part of Acadian history and the founding families who settled in the area.
What are the features, and amenities provided at the Major’s Point Historic Site?
The more important, some would say only, features, amenities, services located in and around Major’s Point Historic Site includes information signs, picnic area, 1892 chapel and parking.
Explore Major’s Point Historic Site in Nova Scotia, Canada