Port-Royal National Historic Site

Park Size: 1 hectare
Park Amenities:

Port-Royal National Historic Site
Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia Parks Guide
Canada Parks, Trails & Places
Port-Royal National Historic Site was one of the first ever European settlements in Canada, let alone North America. The site rests in the shores of the Annapolis Basin and was selected by French explorers Pierre Dugua, Sieur de Mons, and Samuel de Champlain because it was a sheltered location and provided a reliable source of water, farmland and wood. Today, the 1 hectare historic site is a popular attraction telling the stories of that era.
What are the Top Things To Do, Activities, and Adventures at the Port-Royal National Historic Site?
Port-Royal National Historic Site adventures, and activities most enjoyed include sightseeing, children programs, self guided touring, photography and learning about the long history of Canada.
Why Port-Royal National Historic Site?
Because it is one of the first settlements in Canada and has a lot of stories to tell and artifacts to show.
What are the features, amenities, and exhibits available for travelers to explore while at the Port-Royal National Historic Site?
The more important features, amenities, services and exhibits located in and around Port-Royal National Historic Site includes a picnic area, gift shop, period actors, tipi, washroom, guided tours, children programs, gentlemen’s quarters, trading room, kitchen, forge, artifacts, and a Mi'kmaw wigwam.
Come to Port-Royal National Historic Site in Nova Scotia, Canada