Nashwaaksis Stream Nature Park

Trail Length: 2.1 kilometres
Difficulty: Easy - Family
Park Amenities:

Nashwaaksis Stream Nature Park
Fredericton, New Brunswick, NB
Canada Parks, Trails & Places Guide
Nashwaaksis Stream Nature Park is a river/creek park home to many songbirds, waterfowl, and over 2 kilometres of walking trails exploring this unique eco system environment.
What are the Things To Do, Activities, Adventures in the Nashwaaksis Stream Nature Park?
Nashwaaksis Stream Nature Park adventures, and activities most enjoyed in the park includes birding (birdwatching), hiking, walking, sightseeing, and picnicking.
Why the Nashwaaksis Stream Nature Park?
The nature park is an easy access destination within the city limits to enjoy a natural environment, view wildlife and to access the North Riverfront Trail.
What are the highlights, amenities, services located in and around the Nashwaaksis Stream Nature Park?
A few of the more popular highlights, amenities and services located in and around the Nashwaaksis Stream Nature Park are the field house, viewing platforms, bridges, picnic area, information kiosks, sightseeing benches, sun shelter and a small boat launch.
Come to New Brunswick and explore Nashwaaksis Stream Nature Park