Haig-Brown House

Park Amenities:

Haig Brown House
The Haig Brown House is a Canadian Heritage Site located in the community of Campbell River, British Columbia, Canada on Vancouver Island. The estate was once the home to a heralded naturalist and environmentalist named Roderick Haig Brown. Roderick was nominated as one of Canada's all time "Greatest Canadians" by a nation wide poll.
Roderick Haig-Brown was a pioneer in the environmentalist movement when being an environmentalist was not well accepted by a very industrialized public. He was, in many cases, the only voice standing up for the environment at the time.
Haig Brown's environmental efforts were mostly spent researching and protecting the salmon stock in British Columbia rivers. His efforts did not go unnoticed. In 1977, in the Okanagan Valley, the Adams River and the surrounding landscape was designated as the Roderick Haig-Brown Park in recognition of his contribution to the preservation of the Salmon migration process.
Roderick Haig-Brown lived many of his days exploring in the outdoors. The site of his estate is on the shores of the Campbell River. He was often seen fishing the river from his backyard. Roderick could not have been successful without the support of his wife Ann. Ann also enjoyed the outdoors. Her enjoyment came from spending endless hours in the gardens experimenting.
Throughout his life Roderick Haig-Brown wrote many articles on conservation. In total he published over 25 books. Some winning awards. The must-see room in the Haig home, by far, is the Haig Brown Library. There are thousands of books lining the shelves from floor to ceiling including some of his own published material.
The Haig Brown House is furnished by Roderick and Ann. Not much has changed. Items from the Haig era on display include family photos, furniture, records, fishing rods and flower pots. The surrounding property is covered in gardens, floral displays and wooden furnishings. Just down the road from the Haig Brown estate is the Haig Brown Kingfisher Creek Salmon Enhancement Project.