Waterton Lakes - Rowe Lake Trail

Difficulty: Moderate
Park Amenities:

Rowe Lake Trail is a day hike leading to alpine lakes and it is the start of a long haul backpacking adventure located in the Waterton Lakes National Park which is in the southwest corner of the province of Alberta, Canada.
The day hike leads to the lower and upper Rowe Lakes. The wilderness trail explores a forest of trees while following the banks of Rowe Creek before connecting to the first of the three lakes.
The trail distance to the lower of the Rowe Lakes measures about 4 kilometres one-way with an elevation gain of 350 metres (1148 feet). The trail distance to the upper lake measures about 6.5 kilometres one-way with an elevation gain of 575 metres (1886 feet).
The route follows a rough, single track trail with some sections of loose rock, mud and exposed tree roots. The route is a slow climb and sometimes can be steep. The last kilometre before the upper lake being the most challenging uphill section of the day hike.
However... there are sections located on the Rowe Lakes Trail which do level out - non more beautiful then the wildlfower meadow located a kilometre after the lower lake and about a kilometre before the upper lake.
For the backpacker the Tamarack Trail is the route to follow after upper Rowe Lake. The backpacking route measures 12 kilometres and explores a mountain range, passing by Lineman Lakes before it descends back down to the banks of the Blakiston Creek. Continue on the trail and it leads to a wilderness campground on Lone Lake.
From the campground the trail connects to longer loop routes. At the 4.2 kilometre point after the campground there is a junction in the trail. Turn right and follow the Blakiston Creek for 10 kilometres to the Red Rock Canyon parking lot. Veer left and continue hiking 3.5 kilometres to the Twins Lakes wilderness campground and then connect up with the Snowshoe Trail.
How to Get to Rowe Lake Trail
Travel to the Waterton Townsite in the Waterton Lakes National Park in the southwest corner of the province of Alberta, Canada. From Waterton Avenue (main street) travel Akamina Parkway for 9 kilometres to the Rowe Lakes parking lot.